
Rarity on MITTE

Users can select and view only the NFTs within a specific rarity category using the rarity filter feature.

  1. Check out the Rarity of NFTs listed on the order book. ️

  2. Click on the Rarity Filter at the top-left and choose your rarity range: 1%, 5%, 15%, 35%, 60%, 100%

  3. See only the NFTs that match your selected rarity range in the order book.

MITTE’s Rarity follows the rarity score model of the Rairty Score Model.

Rarity Score Model The rarity score model is one of the simplest and most reliable ways to rate how rare NFTs are.

This model differs since users calculate it by fraction instead of by percentage.

The higher the score, the rarer the NFT is. See the formula used to calculate this below.

  • The rarity score is subject to change.

  • It is calculated based on the data collected by MITTE from the NFTs.

  • The rarity score may vary if additional NFTs are minted for the collection or if there are NFTs for which MITTE has not yet gathered data.

Last updated